Sunday, 25 January 2015

New pastel pencils today

I was tempted to try a few different brands. So, I chose a few useful colors in 2 different brands. You can see them in the photo below.

I just was trying out the new tools, and produced a landscape that felt like Parksville. I thought I might as well share it!

I like all of the new pencils. I chose two brands, and one is softer while the other feels a bit harder and faster moving on the paper. Conte a Paris is softer, and more slow moving (I'd say) as it is quite capable of laying down pigment on the page with little pressure. Koh-i-noor seems a bit harder, and more able to keep a sharp point. That could be helpful for slight edging on items you want to pop out of the background or to separate from adjacent objects.

I also purchased one soft pastel stick. I've never used one before, so it was just an experiment. You'll see it in the photo below in the sky and the sandy foreground as a bright sunlight yellow area. The Brand is Schminke and it too is very soft and grippy on the paper. It takes very little effort to get a lot of color onto the page. I will enjoy using these again although I only own one so far, because it will blend beautifully with pastel pencils or PanPastels.

FYI- PanPastels is both a brand and a description. The product is powder rather than in a stick form, and is sold in little plastic containers. You apply the powder to paper using sponges typically.

I will keep practicing with these pencils and you'll see my progress over time. I'll also try to figure out if I can turn this photo 90 degrees counter-clockwise without having to email it to myself from my phone.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Park photo using cell photo

I took some photos while passing by some woods. It was one of those late afternoon, winter scenes that gives golden light. All I had on me was a cell phone, and I'm delighted with the results. The photo is very close to what I recall seeing with my eyes.

Just a reminder to take photos of everyday scenes. Include people you know, or people you don't know. Or, just record the situation as-is, with no story or personal attachment. As far as I'm concerned, this photo is simple beauty and nature. Ironically, the parkland is located next to a busy, noisy highway.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Latest sketching practice - erasing for highlights

Right now I'm working through some materials that teach life drawing. I'm doing this so that I can draw better cartoons. But before I get to life forms, it says I'm supposed to practice using different strokes, pencils, pressures, etc.

Here is a sample of a fun way to create highlights gently using a kneaded eraser. Clearly I'm no expert in drawing plants!